Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 Day Challenge

And my teacher told us about a "30 Day Challenge" thing that people do. Basically, someone chooses a goal they will do every day for 30 days. Some people choose to quit smoking, to bike every day, to eat salad every day, etc. The "30 Day Challenge" encourages people to do something better for their lives and helps them develop a healthy habit for it. Me being the person I am, I decided a while ago to do 30 challenges EVERY DAY for 30 days. If you didn't get that the first time, I did 30 challenges every single day for thirty days. Here was my "30 Day Challenge" checklist:

30 Day Challenge Checklist
[_] Eat something new
[_] Kiss someone
[_] Write
[_] Listen to a different song
[_] Compliment someone
[_] Talk to someone new
[_] Take a photo
[_] Cook a meal
[_] Watch a new youtube video
[_] Give someone a present
[_] Try to catch something
[_] Wear the color red
[_] Send a text
[_] Watch a movie trailer
[_] Read a poem
[_] Have someone lift me
[_] Quote someone famous
[_] Do a new gesture
[_] Do 1 push up and add one consecutively per day 
      (i.e. 2nd day: 3 push-ups, 3rd day: 4 push-ups)
[_] Read a chapter from a book
[_] Untie/take someone’s shoes
[_] Dance
[_] Tell the truth
[_] The whole truth
[_] And nothing but the truth
[_] Learn a new word and use it
[_] Facebook stalk someone
[_] Drink tea
[_] Wear something different every day
[_] Pick up line

As you can see, most of these things are silly and interesting. After doing the 30 Day Challenge, I reflected on the experience. A lot of people were entertained by what I was doing, and a lot of them helped me out and inquired on a daily basis to ask whether or not I did all of my challenges yet. It was a nice experience to have, and I actually did develop some good habits from it. I tried a lot of new foods I didn't think I would like, and some other foods I decided I would never try again. I helped develop a ton of skills (cooking, making movies, dancing, writing). My arms got more toned (YES!). I cycled through the clothes in my wardrobe and created a lot of new, creative outfits. And lastly, I found out a lot of ways on how to not tell the truth, but not lie. The "30 Day Challenge" is a great opportunity to make life interesting and better. You should try it!

Your friend,

Monday, January 28, 2013

Best DIY Presents

I wrote this article a while ago for my student newspaper. The best part about this list is that you can make these presents during any time of the year! Check it out!

The Best Do-It-Yourself Christmas Present List
Having trouble figuring out what to get your family/friend/teacher/neighbor this year? No worries! Here are some great do-it-yourself gift ideas for the holiday season:

A Car Kit
In my opinion, guys are the most difficult people to get a present for. Make your dad, boyfriend, guy friend, male teacher, uncle, or grandpa a convenient car kit they can use while they are is driving to work, while they are driving to pick you up from school, or in the event if they get lost. You’ll need a little bag and things to put in it, like Band-aids, hand sanitizer, gum, tissues, a flashlight and a granola bar. You can customize each kit by putting in different things in it or by decorating the front of the bag.

Teacup Candles
These candles are useful and dainty little gifts you can make with a little time and patience. You’ll need a teacup, candles that you don’t use or wax, a bowl to melt the wax, skewers, and wicks. You could go to Goodwill to find different types of teacups for each candle to make it more personalized. When the person is done with their candle, they can slide the wax out of the cup, wash it, and use it for tea!

A Memory Jar
Memory jars are great homemade gifts to make if you really want to make a special, individualized present for someone. You’ll need a jar and memorabilias/notes/anything sentimental to you. Fill the jar up with things that connect and make sense to you and the other person, like a note with an inside joke written on it or a ticket stub of both of your favorite movies. It’s an extremely customizable gift, and can be really thoughtful if you put effort into it.

Why I Love You/Why You’re My Best Friend Card Deck
This gift is really sweet and heartwarming. You could give it to your significant other or your best friend or anyone you really care about. You’ll need a deck of cards, a hole punch, a pen, ribbon or something to bind the cards together, and 52 pieces of paper to glue onto the cards. This gift is also extremely customizable, and you can put cute reasons why you love that person/are best friends with that person such as, “Because of the way you laugh.”

Hot Chocolate Spoons
I like this gift a lot because they’re easy to make, delicious, and unique. All you’ll need is spoons, melted chocolate, and small edible things to put onto the chocolate. You could use M&M’s, marshmallows, coconut shreds, broken candy canes, sprinkles, or chocolate chips. There are so many different combinations of chocolate and toppings to put on the spoons, the possibilities are endless! Plus they are so easy to make you could create a bunch of them and give them away in little bags as presents.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

"The Thinker" Poem

“The Thinker” by Jazmyne Bisquera

One shoulder up,
One shoulder down.
A hand living humbly under your chin
And your right arm,
Resting on the chair,
Because it belongs there.

You are the God of sunsets
Master of midnight,
Lovechild of the Bermuda Triangle
And the promiscuous moon.

You are a child’s laugh,
Dreams, hopes, wishes
And Rubiks Cubes,
The smile on my face
As I watch the clouds float by

You are confusing and frustrating
And wonderful and lovely.
You are the one thing I can’t put my finger on
And I only wish that I knew
Just exactly how to understand you.

Friday, January 25, 2013

"Sure Thing" Choreography

Shaun Evaristo is a world-wide known choreographer, with moves so smooth it’s like his feet are levitating off the ground. This is one of my favorite pieces of his because of the choreography AND because of the music choice. Shaun Evaristo’s subtle, smooth moves and Miguel Jontel’s sultry, smooth voice are a match made in dance and music heaven.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Catch 22 by Joseph Heller

I had to do a book report last year, and the book I chose to do was Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. It was an interesting and REALLY confusing read. After (literally) reading it over 4 times, I finally understood what everything meant. Here is my report from last year:

P.S.- Please do not copy and paste my work if you are currently doing this book for a report. It isn't beneficial for me, and it certainly won't be beneficial for you when you get caught.


“Catch-22,” is not organized in a chronological sequence of events. Heller writes the majority of the novel out of order, switching from past to present and moving through time and other events in a seemingly unsystematic assortment. The plot can be analyzed in two different ways; by sequence of events according to time or by sequence of events according to each chapter/character. In this essay, the plot is analyzed according to what happens in each chapter, as opposed to trying to find the linear sequence of events in time.

If divided up into four sections, the plot according to the chapters is a bit easier to make sense of. From chapters 1-18, the novel explains who is who and the idiocy and illogicality of the military, capitalism, and bureaucracy, having more of a humorous, absurd tone. The first part also explains how everyone sane and logical is illogical and punished in Yossarian’s world, and everyone who acts illogically and without reasoning gets rewarded for it and is considered sane. The second fourth of the novel, chapters 19-26, goes deeper into how futile the situation they are in and how illogical everyone’s actions are. Everyone is calling everyone else crazy, and nobody knows what to do in order to achieve their own personal goal, causing the tone of the second part of the novel to be more confused and more desperate to find a resolution. By the third section of the novel, Chapters 27-34, most of the characters have reached the goal that they wanted, only to be thwarted by things completely out of their control (death is a prevalent theme in this section). The third section has a tone of hopelessness and futility. The last section, 35-40, is where Yossarian desperately tries to find a way out as his friends die around him. Here, he sees the true atrocities of war. Near the end of the novel, he realizes the full extent of humanity’s evilness and has the epiphany that Catch-22 which “says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing,” is not real. He walks away from the war in order to preserve what is right and what is in the best interest of the people he cares about (including himself).

Point of View/Perspective
“Catch-22” is solely told in the third person omniscient, an all-knowing narrator who tells and goes into detail of the stories of almost every single character that is mentioned in the novel. The narrator focuses on a lot of characters’ independent stories, but always finds a way to connect it back to the protagonist, Yossarian. The dialogue between characters and the omniscient narration is often confusing and hard to follow. The narration in some chapters can provide a lot of insight into how the characters are thinking at that very moment. A good example of the narrator’s description of what is going on can be shown in the conversation between Milo and Yossarian in Chapter 7 about Yossarian’s fruit. When read without the omniscient narrator’s explanation of how the characters are feeling and thinking at that moment, the dialogue would present itself in a way that would simply suggest that Yossarian has no idea what he’s talking about, and Milo is asking questions that have no reasoning behind it. By adding the descriptions of how the characters are feeling in the conversation, the narrator shows that Milo shows deep discomfort and some physical pain in learning that all of the fruit Yossarian has is essentially going to waste by Yossarian giving it away, but trusts Yossarian completely with every secret except where he hides his money, and that Yossarian cares about his friends who needs the fruit more, but is slightly “distrustful” at the fact that he seems so “indignant” in how he acts and seems (64). Sometimes, however, the omniscient narrator provides examples and details in the novel that don’t really have anything to do with what the characters just finished talking about, straying away from the sequence of events going on. An example of this would be in the beginning of Chapter 8 when Lieutenant Scheisskopf is saying he isn’t going to punish anyone for doing something, and then the narrator goes in-depth about who he was (which does provide some useful insight as to what type of person the Lt. is), but then goes into detail about the Lt.’s wife and how she slept with a lot of people, and then about how the Lt. liked parades (68-71).

The confusing changes in perspective from character to character and strange dialogue and narrative descriptions emphasizes the novel as a whole. It emphasizes the underlying message of Catch-22 being a satire of a bureaucracy, where nothing really makes sense, but because everyone fervently believes it makes sense, it makes sense. The characters that the omniscient narrator tells the stories of are connected to each other by this theme of absurd logic. In having slightly haphazard and changing points of views, the Heller further emphasizes how all the characters in the novel have been sucked in and trapped by a world that doesn’t make sense and is constantly being proved illogical.

Protagonist The protagonist of, “Catch-22” is John Yossarian, a captain in the 256th Bombardment Squadron of the Army Air Corps, which is revealed in the very beginning of the novel. John’s sole goal in this novel is to stay alive. This goal is supported by his other major goal in life, which is to go home (so he doesn’t have to fight and die in the war). His extreme want to leave the war and live forces him to do some questionable things and to try and take every route possible for him to not risk his life, as shown in the following passage, “…Yossarian was a lead bombardier who had been demoted because he no longer gave a damn whether he missed or not. He had decided to live forever o die in the attempt, and his only mission each time he went up was to come down alive” (29). He frequently goes to the hospital for randomly made-up diseases and ailments so that he does not have to fly on missions, and sometimes makes himself sick or tries to be in the worst health possible so he doesn’t have to fly any missions and can go home for not being useful to the military.

For example, throughout the novel, Yossarian says that he is insane in order to get grounded from duty, as shown on Chapter 27, pages 293-298, when he claims that he is insane and dreams of holding a live fish in his hands, and then suggests, “perhaps I ought to be grounded and returned to the states (298)”. None of his superiors are able to ground him on insanity because of Catch-22, however, which stated, “…that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind…[if one was crazy he] could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. [Someone] would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to” (46). Therefore, Yossarian is in the maddening position where he can’t escape his situation no matter where he turns.

Yossarian is also one of the only characters in the novel who realize the futility and absurdity of war, seeing that the point in living is not to kill or die for the sake of killing, but to live. His will to live is perpetuated by his constant want to fall in love with as many women as possible and to go home. His somewhat strange, straightforward logic and reasoning actually makes sense to the reader, whereas in Yossarian’s world of bureaucracy and confusion, other people find his logic to be crazy. This is explicitly and somewhat sarcastically shown in the text where it describes the reaction of some of the men about how Yossarian was openly defying his orders and the war because he has the right to do so, “The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them” (405).

Other characters acknowledge that his way of thinking is “crazy” compared to everyone else’s way of thinking, as shown in Clevinger’s description of what is wrong with Yossarian: “an unreasonable belief that everybody around him was crazy, a homicidal impulse to machine-gun strangers, retrospective falsification, an unfounded suspicion that people hated him and were conspiring to kill him” (20). A number of characters, however agree that he is in fact sane because he thinks differently than other people (who are crazy), as described by Dr. Stubbs in Chapter 10, “’Yossarian? Who the hell is Yossarian? What the hell kind of a name is Yossarian, anyway?...That crazy bastard.’ ‘He's not so crazy," Dunbar said. "He swears he's not going to fly to Bologna.’ That's just what I mean," Dr. Stubbs answered. ‘That crazy bastard may be the only sane one left’” (110).

Yossarian’s thinking in terms of the war is a direct result of a traumatic event that he went through when he was just starting out in the war. On one of his flights, a man named Snowden lay dying in the back of his plane. When Yossarian landed, he began to cutt the off Snowden’s clothes to try and help heal his body. After cutting open his clothes, Snowden’s entrails spilled onto Yossarian, covering him in blood and revealing to him a message about humanity and life, which was to (basically) not take life for granted, because at any point in time, someone might die. Eventually, fed up with the complications of war but not wanting to betray his fellow soldiers and friends, he tries to escape and run away from the war altogether by escaping to Sweden.

“Catch-22” is set during World War II, and the time period jumps around past and present, staying within the confines of the 1940’s. The locations the book describes are usually associated with the 256th squadron in Pianosa. Looking it up on a map, Pianosa is located a bit off the coast of Italy. The novel also partly takes place at Rome and mentions a lot of locations where Milo Minderbender’s black market trade goes on (from Africa, to Egypt, to New York City). Interestingly enough, though this is a book from the U.S. set during WWII, “Catch-22” does not name the Germans, the Axis Powers, or the Allies as “the enemy”. Instead, the setting shows through the characters’ (esp. Yossarian’s) perspective that everyone is the enemy if everyone is trying to kill them, and whoever is not the enemy isn’t out to get them.

The setting is definitely the backbone for the novel; without “Catch-22” being set in a time period of great anxiety, confusion and war, the novel would not have been as effective in sharing its message about bureaucracy and how corrupt it is. Because the majority of the novel is set in an American-run squadron, a lot of the characters display American patriotism (even though a lot of them don’t know why), so therefore Americans would be more likely to relate to this novel. However, if done correctly, the story could have followed an almost exact sequence of events if it was applied to a differently allied country or in a different time period. The major points of the setting would be to make sure that it was during a major war and that the armies followed a bureaucratic system.

A lot of the locations that are described in the novel are much described in the tantalizing way that bureaucracy and fighting for a war is like. This is definitely shown in the description of Rome before and after the bomb hits and the police storm in to chase the prostitutes out of the apartment, where it was a refuge for the prostitutes and “sweet girls” that lived there. When Yossarian goes to tell Nately’s whore of his death, he finds it in ruins, “Rome was in ruins, he saw, when the plane was down…Nately’s whore’s apartment was a shambles…” (406). We find out shortly after from the old lady who owned the apartment building that police stormed in and chased away the girls for no real reason, claiming they had permission to by the law of Catch-22, which stated, “they have the right to do anything we can’t keep them from doing”. This drastic change in setting helps emphasize the events that are happening in the novel as well as perpetuate the idea that bureaucracy, while it looks fine and good to get into and join (like joining a bureaucratic military system), it will eventually give way to the “real” absurd laws that make it work and imprison those who fell into their trap, leaving the victims worse than where they started out as and not knowing why.

Arguably, the most major theme in the novel deals with the idea about how life is absurdity and corruption of logic that bureaucracy forces onto the characters. This is permeated throughout the novel by the characters’ experiences and thoughts that reflect on who is sane, what actions are considered sane and why these actions and people are considered sane or insane.

Bureaucracy is defined by as, “government by a rigid hierarchy of officials; group of officials; excessive administrative routine”. The fact that the novel is set during the time of World War II should suggest that bureaucracy in the military is required to maintain order and structure in order to complete the united goal of defeating the enemy. However, Catch-22 shows the reader that the situation that the enlisted men are in because of bureaucracy is absolutely hopeless and manipulatory, as every action the men do are forced upon them by superiors that want to move up or flamboyantly express their rank. Many of the things the men do are either extremely dangerous or serve very little purpose (or both, in some cases), and are usually in done with a vain understanding that the majority of the acts and rules placed by the bureaucracy don’t help the war effort at all.

However, those that are in higher power constantly try to convince the men that what they are doing in the war effort is helping in some way to the military effort. People in command force absurd and illogical rules upon the enlisted men to make them seem more impressive to their superiors. The enlisted men, though try to make sense and logic of their actions or try to be useful and helpful, their wholesome acts and logical thoughts usually results in them being punished for no logical reason, and people are praised for illogical actions.

One example of this is in Chapter 8 when Clevinger is going under his trial for Lieutenant Schiesskopf’s accusation of crimes that he never did. It is revealed before the trial starts that Lieutenant Schiesskopf hates Clevinger for thinking logical thoughts (hinting at the fact that those in power want to remain in power and the only reason why they make sure that everyone else is following irrational orders is to make sure that the people below them will never get anywhere) and wants nothing more from the trial than to get him in trouble, “Clevinger had a mind, and Lieutenant Schisskopf had noticed that people with minds tended to get pretty smart sometimes. Such men were dangerous…The case against Clevinger was open and shut. The only thing missing was something to charge him with" (71).

The trial itself and the dialogue that occurs between all three of the characters is completely absurd and no logical resolution is ever found. The colonel gets off topic easily and is constantly being reminded about what he talking about. Every time Clevinger pleads for innocence, the colonel says that Clevinger is guilty about things that doesn’t make sense, as shown in this passage, “’What did you mean,’ he inquired slowly, ‘when you said we couldn’t punish you?…‘I’m sorry, sir. But I don’t know how to answer it. I never said you couldn’t punish me.’ ‘Now you’re telling me when you did say it. I’m asking you to tell us when you didn’t say it…Didn’t I tell you to keep your stupid mouth shut?’ ‘Yes sir.’ ‘Then keep your stupid mouth shut when I tell you to keep your stupid mouth shut. Do you understand? Will you speak up, please? I couldn’t hear you,'” (76-77).

No matter how hard Clevinger pleads for innocence, he will not get it, and Lieutenant Schiesskopf makes sure of this, “…Lieutenant Schiesskopf was one of the judges…[he] was also the prosecutor… [and] the officer defending [Clevinger] was Lieutenant Schiesskopf” (75-76), and the bumbling, idiotic colonel supports the futility of trying to be rational in an illogical world. Here, Clevinger is almost completely subjected to whatever torture Lieutenant Schiesskopf and those in the room wants to enforce on him, no matter if he’s innocent or not. They exercise their power by making whatever nonsensical rules they want (that often contradict each other) and punishing Clevinger for following and not following those rules.

The bureaucratic military’s absurd sense of logic and its effects on the mentality and morality of those affected by it is highlighted in Chapter 39 when Yossarian is wandering through Rome. Yossarian is arrested for being in Rome without a pass while Aarfy, Yossarian’s selfish and horribly cynical navigator, gets an apology from the police for barging in after he raped and murdered a girl. “’I only raped her once,’ he explained…’Aarfy, are you insane?’ Yossarian was almost speechless. ‘You killed a girl. They’re going to put you in jail!’…’She was only a servant girl. I hardly think they’re going to make too much of a fuss over one poor Italian servant girl when so many thousands of lives are being lost every day. Do you?’…They arrested Yossarian for being in Rome without a pass. They apologized to Aarfy for intruding’” (418-419). In this example, morals are nonexistent when put under the ridiculous laws made by a bureaucratic military.

Title The title, “Catch-22” comes up frequently throughout the novel, and is described directly by the dialogue of the characters or narration of the narrator. “Catch-22” is first brought up in Chapter 5 by Doc Daneeka: “There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind…[if one was crazy he] could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. [Someone] would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to” (46).

“Catch-22” is mentioned and elaborated throughout the novel through many other characters. The description that sums up the law of “Catch-22” is described by an old lady while talking to Yossarian, “Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can’t stop them from doing” (408). The reader can then assume that there really is no such thing as the law of “Catch-22”; it is merely an imaginary, paradoxical law made by the bureaucratic military to keep those affected by it helpless and trapped in an illogical reality. They are forced to do whatever someone above them tells them to do, whether or not it makes sense.

Personal Recommendation
“Catch-22” by Joseph Heller is one of the hardest books I’ve ever read. The plot structure is confusing if one does not take the time to stop and process the information that they are being given. It is also difficult to remember which character is which, because there are many characters introduced and explained in the novel.

Many philosophical questions stemmed from a lot of the subjects that were in, “Catch-22”. “Catch-22” caused me to question life and what the purpose of rules and manners were. What was the purpose of living when we are all going to die anyway? Is it better for one to extend one’s life by doing activities that were boring and unenjoyable, or is it better for one to spend one’s life shortly by doing activities that were enjoyable and made time pass quicker? What was the purpose of an organized bureaucratic system when everyone in that system is working toward making everyone else work inefficiently? If everyone is insane, wouldn’t everyone also be sane by being similar to each other?

I am pretty sure that “Catch-22” is already part of the AP curriculum, and for good reason. “Catch-22” requires a great amount of patience, understanding, and time in order to figure out what is going on.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Torque" Review

Opened on April 13, 2012, "Torque," is a unique coffee shop located in Vancouver, Washington.

The location is relatively good, as it's only a block south from Esther Short Park. Parking could be better, because you have to park on the street, but that's understandable as there is no parking space in front of the store and most people walk from Esther Short anyway. There is indoor and outdoor seating. The front of the store has a pretty mural next to it, and the food truck, "The Mighty Bowl," stops at, "Torque," as part of its rounds. The furniture is very interesting, and gives the place a comfortable, retro-modern feel. The building itself looks industrial, so it has a very unique ambiance. It reminds me of a nice little coffee shop in Portland. There were a few green throwback couches, retro-looking tables, a park benchtable, wooden chairs at the bar, and lots of local artwork.

To the food and drinks! You can either take out your order or sit and enjoy it.  I think that the drinks were a bit on the high side, but for a good cup of something, I think that's what one would expect. I didn't order any of the food, but there are really delicious-looking baked goods that they get from a place called, "Bake Shop," in Portland, Oregon. I ordered a hot chocolate instead of the coffee drinks because I was frozen and didn't need to be any more awake than I was. It was DELICIOUS and very satisfying. It was made with their, "special dark chocolate sauce,". Whatever that is, it tastes really good.
501 Columbia St. Vancouver, WA 98660
(360) 771-2474

Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Most everyone in the United States knows who MLK Jr. is. Today is a day dedicated to the remembrance of all those people who fought for equality and the rights of all of humanity. People think that MLK day is just commemorating those who fought for the rights of African Americans. While that is true, one must also consider that the message MLK wanted to spread was the love and respect for ALL types of people. As MLK said in, "Letter from Birmingham Jail": "Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself..." and "...we [need] to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood".

I am not African American. Nor am I lesbian, gay, queer, transgender, or bisexual. I am not poor or disabled in any way. I am a healthy, middle-class, straight, Filipino woman who has an undying love for humanity.

No matter who you are or what background you come from, I urge you to look deep down inside yourself and ask whether you are discriminatory in any way. If you feel that you are, try to change that. MLK's message of love and acceptance for all people is one we should follow and uphold.

Yours truly,

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Satisfied With Life

I've been working hard towards fulfilling my resolutions and doing homework and being happy. I've spent the last few days working on making a name for myself through social media (twitter, my blog, youtube). I feel really good, and (this might sound a little strange) I'm really glad my happiness isn't because of my friends.

The past two years have been difficult. I shouldn't be complaining however, because most people's lives are twice as hard as mine and what I've gone through probably doesn't measure up to what others have gone through. But, for the sake of saying what I meant by, "I'm really glad my happiness isn't because of my friends," I will describe what has gone on with me for the last two years of my life.

Freshman year was a mess for me. I was going into a high school where everyone LITERALLY knew each other from middle school (because it's a 6-12th grade school), coming from a school I attended for 9 years. I didn't know anybody. No one from my old school came to this new one except for me, and I was absolutely terrified. I was extremely shy for the first month or so of school, eating in the bathroom during lunch or off in secluded corners and not talking to anyone. I finally did make some friends, and stuck to that friend group for the rest of freshman year. Many things happened during that year, one of which was a very negative, complicated relationship that I was too invested in. Long story short, I got hurt very badly, and was completely reliant on the other person for my happiness. I was sort of happy by the end of the year, but not really.

Sophomore year also kind of sucked. I transitioned into another friend group, and they were all very close to each other. I didn't feel accepted or a part of the group when I joined it, and truth be told, I still don't. But anyways. They are fantastic, fun, caring people and they helped me through a lot during sophomore year. But my happiness depended upon their approval of me and how much they liked me. I bounced a lot between two groups, and set out to make as many friends as possible so I could be happy and not alone.

Junior year. The beginning of junior year was alright. I managed to find myself in-between three groups: the group I hung out with in freshman year (everyone kind of left), the group I hung out with in sophomore year (still going strong), and the group I started hanging out with (mostly seniors who are going to leave). I didn't really know where I wanted to be, and there were often times scheduled hang-outs at the same time as other hang-outs, and I usually had to make a decision on where I wanted to go. I was starting to feel liked by a lot of people, and that made me kind of satisfied. Kind of. I was still completely reliant on other people to make me feel happy.

The summary of my high school career for 2010-2012: I needed all of my friends to like me and I needed a boyfriend.

Now though, I am completely happy to say that I am making my own happiness instead of relying and depending on other people to make me happy. I can be happy on my own accord. 

I don't know when the shift happened. Maybe it was the dawn of 2013 that triggered this. But now I feel like I can be independent and single and not have a problem with that. I know I need to lay off trying to make everyone happy and like me, and try to lay off pursuing or crushing on other people. I need to focus in on my goal of re-vamping and re-creating myself. Not for someone else, but for myself. I've been so preoccupied with my relationships and wanting one that I lost track of myself and my goals in life. It's about time for me to start over again and be whoever I want to be.

Hopefully this feeling of happiness and independence will stay with me for a while. I really hope it will.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Adorn" by Miguel Jontel

I uploaded my very first hip hop dance video onto youtube yesterday and thought I'd share it on here.
To learn more about my video and the reason behind doing it, read below.

I created a music video centered around the psychological science of love. I based this project off of a project I did in my AP Composition class last year. The project I did last year had to do with the Odyssey. We were to make creative responses to the story of the Odyssey, and I chose to base my project off of the relationship between Odysseus and Penelope. I half-choreographed, half-improvised a dance about their love and ache for each other. I performed the dance in front of my class and the project was deemed successful, though I didn’t get the chance to archive it in film.
            The project I did for J-Term, “The Science of Love,” is a music video because I wanted to be able to choreograph a dance to a love song and be able to document it in film. I wanted to combine theatre, dance, and film because those are art forms that I am interested in.
            The research I conducted about love was about how it affected people physically, mentally and emotionally. There are three distinct phases to falling in love: “Lust,” “Attraction,” and, “Attachment”. Each phase produces different hormones and chemicals. In the “Lust,” phase, the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen are released. Dopamine and norepinephrine, or adrenaline, are released in the, “Attraction,” phase. Finally, in the, “Attachment,” phase, oxytocin and vasopressin are released.
            The project reflects these three phases through the dance. In the dance, there are several factors I included in the choreography to show the different effects of each chemical that is released in the phases of love. The body rolls and waves represent the sex hormones in the, “Lust,” phase. The quick, popping movements represent the chemicals dopamine and adrenaline in the, “Attraction,” phase. The slow movements, improvisational moves, and breaks from dancing represent the oxytocin and vasopressin in the “Attachment” phase.
            To create the project, I interpreted the words from the song, “Adorn” by Miguel Jontel, and the effects of love into hip hop dance. I then filmed myself dancing in the cafeteria, capturing myself multiple times in three different areas of the cafeteria. While editing, I put together the dances in the different areas of the cafeteria together to look like there are three of me dancing.

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Ukuleles

Both are sopranos. The one on the left was a gift from my friend for Christmas, who said it was his old one and he didn’t know what to do with it anymore since he doesn’t play it. It’s decent but the strings need to be replaced and tuned. It sounds horribly tinny and gets untuned very easily. It’s also a pretty cheap uke, but I like to keep this one as back-up if I am going somewhere where my more valuable one will get damaged, or if my friends and I are going to have a jam session and one of them forgot theirs. The one on the right is my pride and joy that I got from my dad. He payed like…$27 for it I think, when it was originally priced for $90 (around there). His friend worked at the store he bought it from and was able to get a hey-can-you-give-me-a-better-price-because-we-know-each-other-discount. Even though it’s not as expensive or awesome as other ukes, I think the quality is fantastic for being so cheap. My friend has a ukulele her parents paid $235 for, and it sounds only a hair better than mine. I love the brown one to death and bring it along for jam sessions and concerts.
I don’t take lessons- I self-teach myself and watch videos on youtube or look up chords on ukulele websites. I’m not a great singer, either, but I love playing and harmonizing with my better-singing friends. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

For the Love of Dance

Hello again, my beloved people of the internet!

I hope to be able to show you guys the mechanics of my mind, what makes me click, and the things that inspire me. Dance is a huge part of my life, and I'd love to show you dance videos that I think are awesome and jaw-dropping.

This video I'm showing you is a piece to the song, "All of Me" by Varsity, choreographed by my friend and one of my teachers, Carlo Lalangan. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Pride of a Teacher

(Background information:
I am the founder and president of my hip hop club at school. Since around...September?...I've been working with relatively the same students every week for an hour and a half on Tuesdays.)

When I first started my hip hop club, I can safely say that every single one of my students sucked. They were literally...some of the most uncoordinated people I have ever seen when it came to hip hop dancing. Sure, there were some dancers trained in ballet or contemporary dance that joined the club, but they sucked at moving their body to hip hop songs and dancing hip hop moves. They were so horrible that I had to cancel our first performance because I didn't want to be embarrassed by their atrocious dancing.

Since then, however... I am proud to say that they have improved. Immensely.

I was going over two of the dances we are going to perform on Valentine's Day and putting formations to the dances. We blocked everything, ran it a few times without music, and then "performed" it in front of one of my friends who dropped by after school to see what we were doing. I was literally stunned by how good it looked. Everyone basically knew what they were doing, they remembered the changes I made in formations, and it just I don't even have the words to describe the feeling of pride I felt when we finished the dance. If I had a child, and that child got a full-ride scholarship to Harvard, I would know that feeling of pride I had for my child. I never knew how much gratification a teacher could feel until today. I now know why teachers do the jobs they do.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I know I'm a bit late, but I really wanted to share what my New Year's Resolutions were. If not for you guys, for myself, so that way I'll have a harder time forgetting them. Here you go:

  • Get back into hot yoga
    • I did hot yoga over the summer last year and it was AWESOME. I really want to go back and do it again for an extended time period. It really cleanses the body out and makes you feel refreshed and ready to go
  • Have a healthier diet
    • I'm not doing this because I want to lose weight. I simply want to feel healthier and more energetic and like I have more stamina. So, no more cake or chocolate or excessive vegetarian bacon.
  • Dance more
    • Hip hop dancing is one of my passions. I really need to start choreographing more this year.
  • Move into step-family's house
    • This has been loooooong overdue. We've been meaning to move into our stepfamily's house for like...9 years. I think it's time. (Especially since I'll be graduating soon)
  • Get rid of things I don't need/are old
    • I really don't want to be on the next episode of "Hoarders". Time to get rid of my old stuff.
  • Buy new furniture for my room
    • Time to hit up Goodwill Outlet and look for a new desk and some new shelf/storage space for my room. I've had relatively the same furniture since 3rd grade.
  • Care more about fashion and less about makeup
    • I really love fashion and going thrift store shopping. I need to shop more this year and expand and flesh out my wardrobe so that way I can be hitting up the streets in style. I DON'T want to care about the small imperfections of my face and let those imperfections control whether or not I think I look good. I don't need makeup to feel beautiful. 
  • Grow out my hair
    • Last year I experimented with different short-medium hairstyles. Time to grow it out and see what happens
  • Keep in touch with people
    • I really need to do a better job managing friendships and keeping in touch with people I don't see every day at school.
  • Don't be a pushover- be confident!
    • I can't let other people step on me and make me feel inferior. I have to assert myself and be confident and independent in order to be happy and feel important.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Third Time's a Charm!

My name is Jazmyne B. and I've created this blog here solely for the purpose of sharing my thoughts with the world. I want to find out if there are people out there like me who have similar ideas and opinions on things. I want to be able to see whether or not the life I live is even a tiny bit interesting to you folks. I want to be able to share my deepest darkest secrets and my most insignificant problems with complete strangers.

I want to be able to relish in the details of life with you.
So here goes nothing!

Jazmyne B.

(P.S. This is the third blog I've ever made. Hopefully this one sticks)